The Backroom

Extra content
Useless use of @as
Zig beginners frequently overuse the almost-useless @as. But if it's useless, why is it in the language?
The Linoleum Club
A Discord server for people to talk about programming and technology, but with a twist.
Editing remote files over SSH by pretending to use rmate
TextMate might have invented the best way of editing remote files 11 years ago.
Only Git Commits are Real
I think of Git commits as being more real than branches and other Git objects. This has been a great help when understanding how Git works.
Declarative package management with a Brewfile
I love macOS and Brew, but my workflow looks very different from most Brew users.
Micromouse Robotics
A small robot that can autonomously solve a maze
How I learned to stop worrying and start studying (0.75 to 3.75 GPA)
Stress makes work miserable, which leads to procrastination, which leads to stress. How did I escape?
Docker is 4 things
Docker is not just a way of running programs on Linux without a virtual machine. Docker is 4 things.
This portfolio website
Lucid Education
Part-time web development for Lucid Education.
Eradani Inc
Developed websites for Eradani
KA Hearth
A blog where I discuss Khan Academy.
KA User Search
A searchable database of Khan Academy users
KA Challenge Council Member
I was a member of the official Khan Academy Challenge Council
KA Contributions
I've been able to contribute code to KA on a couple of occasions.
A social network for sharing code
S. Pancakes Mobile App
A multiplayer mobile app for the card game S. Pancakes
KA Extension
A browser extension for improving the Khan Academy experience with 4,000+ users
Terra Magma
An online semi-3D endless-runner game
Background from Hero Patterns; CC BY 4.0